无机盐工业 ›› 2024, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (2): 1-10.doi: 10.19964/j.issn.1006-4990.2023-0304
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韩东战(1975— ),男,硕士,教授级高级工程师,研究方向为有色金属冶金;E-mail:zyy_hdz@rilm.com.cn。作者简介:
李亚广(1992— ),男,硕士,工程师,研究方向为有色金属冶金;E-mail:lyguanga@163.com。
LI Yaguang(), HAN Dongzhan(), QI Lijuan
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LI Yaguang, HAN Dongzhan, QI Lijuan. Recent research on pretreatment of waste lithium-ion batteries and electrolyte recovery technology[J]. Inorganic Chemicals Industry, 2024, 56(2): 1-10.
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