无机盐工业 ›› 2023, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (1): 15-25.doi: 10.19964/j.issn.1006-4990.2022-0597
唐迪(1998— ),男,在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为锂离子电池材料回收;E-mail:基金资助:
TANG Di1(),WANG Junxiong1,2,CHEN Wen1,JI Guanjun1,2,MA Jun1,ZHOU Guangmin1()
唐迪,王俊雄,陈稳,季冠军,马骏,周光敏. 退役锂离子电池正极材料直接回收的研究现状和展望[J]. 无机盐工业, 2023, 55(1): 15-25.
TANG Di,WANG Junxiong,CHEN Wen,JI Guanjun,MA Jun,ZHOU Guangmin. Research status and prospect on direct regeneration of cathode materials from retired lithium-ion batteries[J]. Inorganic Chemicals Industry, 2023, 55(1): 15-25.
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