ISSN 1006-4990 CN 12-1069/TQ

无机盐工业 ›› 2020, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (9): 100-104.doi: 10.11962/1006-4990.2019-0529

• 催化材料 • 上一篇    



  1. 中海油炼油化工科学研究院(北京)有限公司,北京 102209
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-25 出版日期:2020-09-10 发布日期:2020-09-27
  • 作者简介:金吉海(1987— ),男,硕士,工程师,主要从事润滑油加氢工艺的研究工作,已发表论文6篇;E-mail: jinjihai216@126.com

Study on hydrodeacidification performance of off-site pre-sulfidation catalysts

Jin Jihai(),Liu Lizhi,Song Junhui,Jiao Zukai,Yan Jinlong,Zhen Tao,Zhang Duo   

  1. CNOOC Research Institute of Oil and Petrochemicals,Beijing 102209,China
  • Received:2020-03-25 Published:2020-09-10 Online:2020-09-27


为探索器内硫化与器外预硫化催化剂的催化活性,采用等体积浸渍法制备同一批次镍-钨氧化态催化剂,分别采用器内硫化与器外预硫化得到3种不同的催化剂,考察3种新鲜催化剂的物化性质、催化活性和使用后催化剂的物化性质。结果表明:随着催化剂上硫化物负载量增加,预硫化催化剂的表观密度增加,比表面积、孔容、平均孔径均降低,同时预硫化催化剂在各个孔径范围内的分布均降低;3种催化剂中高负载硫的器外预硫化催化剂上W 4+态金属和NiWS活性相原子分数最高,器内硫化催化剂次之,低负载硫的器外预硫化催化剂最低;在反应压力为3.0 MPa、空速为1.0 h -1、氢油体积比为400∶1条件下,以绥中常二线、减三线馏分油为原料在不同反应温度下评价催化剂的活性,高负载硫的器外预硫化催化剂的脱酸、脱硫、脱氮活性最高,器内硫化催化剂次之,低负载硫的器外预硫化催化剂的催化活性最差。

关键词: 器内硫化, 器外硫化, 加氢脱酸, 催化剂活性


In order to explore the catalytic activity of in-situ and off-site pre-sulfidation catalysts,the same batch of Ni-W oxida-tion catalyst was prepared by equal volume impregnation method.The physicochemical properties,catalytic activities and physicochemical properties of the three fresh catalysts were investigated.Three kinds of catalysts prepared from the processes of in-situ and off-site pre-sulfidation.The physical-and-chemical properties,catalytic activity and use physical-and-chemical properties of the three kinds of fresh catalysts were studied.The results showed that with the increase of sulfur loading amount on the catalyst,the bulk density of the pre-sulfidation catalyst increased,the specific surface area,pore volume and average pore diameter decreased,and the distribution of the pre-sulfidation catalyst in various pore sizes decreased.Among the three catalysts,the atom percentage of W 4+ metal and NiWS active phase on the catalyst with high sulfur loading was the highest,followed by the in-situ sulfurization catalyst,and the lowest was the off-site presulfurization catalyst with low sulfur loading.Under the conditions of pressure of 3.0 MPa,reaction space velocity of 1.0 h -1and hydrogen to oil volume ratio of 400∶1,the activity of catalysts was evaluated under different reaction temperatures with the distillate from Suizhong second-line and third-line as raw materials.Results showed that the activity of deacidification,desulfurization and denitrification of the off-site pre-sulfidation catalyst with high sulfur loading was the highest,followed by the in-situ sulfurization catalyst,and the catalytic activity of the off-site pre-sulfidation catalyst with low sulfur loading was the worst.

Key words: in-situ sulfurization, off-site sulfurization, hydrodeacidification, activity of catalyst, characterization of catalyst
