ISSN 1006-4990 CN 12-1069/TQ

无机盐工业 ›› 2011, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (7): 1-.

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  1. 1.青海大学化工学院,青海西宁 810016;2.山西大学资源与环境工程研究所
  • 出版日期:2011-07-10 发布日期:2011-07-11

Development history and present status of salt lake resources in China

Cheng Fangqin1,2,Cheng Huaigang2,Cui Xiangmei1   

  1. 1.School of Chemical Engineering,Qinghai University,Xining 810016,China;
    2.Institute of Resources and Environment Engineering,Shanxi University
  • Published:2011-07-10 Online:2011-07-11

摘要: 对中国盐湖资源的研究和产业化现状进行了阐述,着重分析了盐湖资源的分布状态、发展历程、技术现状及其存在问题和解决对策,以及科研和产业化的发展方向。通过对国内盐湖的研究和产业化的分析表明,盐湖资源开发利用的前景十分广阔,但盐湖的开发要注意资源的综合利用,目前要在提取工业钾盐的基础上大力发展镁盐工业,逐步提高锂、硼及其他稀散资源的利用能力,并且在今后的发展中也要重视非化学资源的开发。

关键词: 盐湖, 资源, 综合利用

Abstract: Present status of research and industrialization of salt lake resources in China was expounded.Distribution,development history,technology status,and its problems and solutions of salt lake resources as well as the development direction of R&D and industrialization were analyzed in detail.Analysis on Chinese research and industrialization showed there is a vast prospect for the development and utilization of salt lake resources.However,the comprehensive utilization must be carefully taken into account.Specifically,more effort should be put into developing the magnesium industry on the basis of present potassium industry,and gradual enhancement in the utilization of lithium,boron and other rare resources should also be considered.Furthermore,it was to be noted that the exploitation of non-chemical resources would be another important part in the development of salt lake industry.

Key words: salt lake, resources, comprehensive utilization
