ISSN 1006-4990 CN 12-1069/TQ

无机盐工业 ›› 2021, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 108-113.doi: 10.19964/j.issn.1006-4990.2020-0613

• 环境·健康·安全 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区,新疆克拉玛依 834000
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-13 出版日期:2021-10-10 发布日期:2021-10-11
  • 作者简介:努尔古丽·拉提莆(1986— ),女,讲师,硕士,主要研究方向为基于纳米材料的分离及检测,水中可溶有机质(DOM)及土壤腐殖质;E-mail: 672555163@qq.com

Preparation of CTS-HAP and evaluation of fluoride removal performance in wastewater

Nuerguli Latipu(),Wu Mei   

  1. China University of Petroleum-Beijing at Karamay,Karamay 834000,China
  • Received:2020-11-13 Published:2021-10-10 Online:2021-10-11


以壳聚糖为模板,通过反向乳液聚合制备得到羟基磷灰石微球(CTS-HAP),在利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱(EDS)、红外光谱(FT-IR)对改性和吸附前后微球进行微观分析基础上,测定其在氟化钠溶液中的平衡吸附量为17.8 mg/g(吸附pH=4),微球对氟离子吸附符合多层分子吸附模型——Freundlich模型。针对氟离子质量浓度为2 789.2 mg/L、pH为1.7的酸性高含氟废水,设计二阶段除氟。初步除氟阶段氢氧化钙用量为10 864 mg/L,剩余氟离子质量浓度为200.6 mg/L,去除率为92.81%;深度除氟采用CTS-HAP微球吸附法,CTS-HAP微球用量为24 g/L,去除率为95.2%,满足处理后废水氟离子浓度要求。

关键词: 壳聚糖, 羟基磷灰石微球, 除氟


CTS-HAP microspheres were prepared by reverse emulsion polymerization using chitosan as template.Based on the microscopic analysis of the microspheres before and after modification and adsorption by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scan-ning electron microscopy(SEM),energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS) and infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR),the equilibrium adsorption capacity of the microspheres in sodium fluoride solution was determined to be 17.8 mg/g(adsorption pH=4).The adsorption of fluorine ion on microspheres conformed to the multi-layer molecular adsorption model—Freundlich model.For acidic high fluorine containing wastewater with fluorine ion mass concentration of 2 789.2 mg/L and pH of 1.7,two-stage fluo-ride removal was designed.In the preliminary fluoride removal stage,the dosage of calcium hydroxide was 10 864 mg/L,the mass concentration of residual fluoride ion was 200.6 mg/L,and the removal rate was 92.81%.CTS-HAP microsphere adsorption method was used for deep fluoride removal,with the dosage of 24 g/L and the removal rate of 95.2%,which met the requirements of fluoride ion concentration of treated wastewater.

Key words: chitosan, CTS-HAP microsphere, fluoride removal
