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Guidelines for Reviewers
Date: 2024-02-20 Visited: 68447

Guidelines for Reviewers

Inorganic Chemicals Industry receives manuscripts that meet the journal’s standards of ethics and academic conduct. Guidelines for reviewers are as follows:


Transparency should be maintained throughout the whole review process.

Call for Reviewers

The journal seeks reviewers’ assistance to ensure that all articles published in Inorganic Chemicals Industry are reliable, ethical and in compliance with relevant guidelines. Final decision of acceptance or rejection should be based on reviewers' comments.

To become a reviewer of Inorganic Chemicals Industry, please register at the submission system or log in to the peer review system (http://www.wjygy.com.cn/journalx_wjygy/expertLogOn.action). Names, contact information, and expertise will be automatically added to the journal’s reviewer pool. Please inform us once you have registered.

Guidelines for Peer Reviewers

All unpublished manuscripts are confidential documents. Manuscripts under review should not be revealed to anyone other than peer reviewers and editorial staff. Peer reviewers are required to maintain confidentiality about the manuscripts and must not divulge any information about a specific manuscript or its content to any third party without prior permission from editors. If reviewers discuss the manuscript with their colleagues, they should be reminded of the confidential nature of the reviewed articles.

Reviewers should contact the editorial office if they have any serious concern about manuscripts in relation to publication ethics (e.g., in case of plagiarism), 

Reviewers should return the manuscripts with comments within 7 days.

Review Writing

When you hand in your review via the submission system, please declare any competing interests you may have in relation to the manuscript. These could be personal, professional, or financial competing interests relevant to the manuscript under review. Before writing your review, you may find it helpful to browse our instructions for authors on the journal’s official website.

Authors are asked to provide article summaries and upload relevant statements, which would enhance review efficiency. Comments on the significance of manuscripts are unnecessary. Please review its scientific reliability and ethical conduct only.